Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hook, Line, and Sinker

Baiting. Shakespeare uses this technique to draw the audience in more to the plot. However, Shakespeare uses random baiting scenes as well. For example, Reynaldo is used to bate Laertes in France and Rozencranz and Guildenstern are used to bate Hamlet. Worthless! What is the point in having these scenes anyway? I can understand Rozencranz and Guildenstern, but really! Anyways, there is also the two women of the play, Ophelia and Gertrude, who are used to toy with Hamlet's heart. However, Hamlet easily counters them before he in turn uses his own bait against his uncle, King Claudius. By using his friendship with the players as an advantage, the prince has them perform a certain play giving him a chance to see how the King would react. It worked, enough said. Finally, Polonious is used as bait for Hamlet as he talks to his mother, who is also bait, strangely enough. The only good that came out of it was him getting run through with a sword. And that is the history of baiting within the walls of Hamlet's home.

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