Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Reality vs. Hyperreailty

Hyperreality has conclusively distorted the true meaning of love, no matter if the viewer be male or female. For example, in the recent film titled "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry," they attempt to show that we should not discriminate against the homosexual lifestyle. For example, as Captain Tucker of the Fire Department stands in front of the court, he states "And most importantly, they showed us that no matter whom we choose to love, be they heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, [or] bisexual... it has absolutely nothing to do with who we are as people." If I just heard this correctly, the movie that we as Christians should watch with caution should embrace homosexuality into the community no matter what. Yet, the reality is that we need to be rid of the homosexuality that plagues the world that we live in today. Another example of the warped hyperreality is that young women will get the perfect man and live happily ever after. To prove this point, the famous lyrics of the well known song "Someday My Prince Will Come" come to my mind: "Some day my prince will come / Some day we'll meet again / And away to his castle we'll go / To be happy forever I know." This well known tune has touched the heart of many little girls - including myself - hoping that they well become as lucky as Snow White was. Nevertheless, the truth of reality massacred that dream of finding that perfect someone, making me realize that no one is truly perfect unless they were make believe. In the end, love is only between an imperfect male and imperfect female, and that happily ever afters don't really exist.



Thursday, January 17, 2008

What to do! What to do!

As Christians in a Postmodern community, we need to deal with this crisis by teaching others to be focused on the needs of others. The center of postmodernism is yourself. That's it. But for the Christian, our center is God and only him. It is difficult to fully allow him to take control but we need to in order to help others realize that they are not the center of the universe. We need to help others instead of helping ourselves.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Ending That Saddens All

The last chunk in the "F" seciont of Happy Endings is a metanarrative because the author is telling you about what he/she is writing about while they are writing it. They want to give you a different perspective in life, wanting you to forget that there is a what and a what and a what. What they truly want is for you to focus on HOW and WHY so that no matter what you write, it can draw the readers into your story more instead of doing the basic and over used plot line/slope.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Drink up, me harteys! Yo ho!

Captain Jack Sparrow, the renowned pirate from PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, is postmodern due to the fact that he just lets things come as they are. He cares about nothing but himself, regarding the others as being only people in his way, not friends or comrades, just things. He uses them like pawns, only to be moved around as well. It was as if he thought Cory's favorite line over and over in his head: "It's all relative..."

Monday, January 14, 2008

And the ants go marching on...

Costco. The best place to converse with someone you really don't know. I had seen him around a few times, my parents knowing him fairly well. His name was Troy and the whole time, they talked about only one thing: cars. Not a big surprise. I listen with little interest and yet intrigued as well, for some unknown interest. Maybe it was the computer talk before the cars. I love messing with computers, learning about what I can do and can't do and then taking it from there. Well, we talked a little more before we finally left for home.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


The echoes coming from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern reveal them as the film goes on. Yet since Claudius is not using them in those moments of time, people are confused, looking around to try and find a source while both R and G move away, not wanting to be seen. Why is that? Whenever they have nothing to say or have no clue what to say, they are needed instantly. Yet when they speak privately as to figure out what was going on, they hide when heard. Curious to say the least.

Approval or Disapproval?

Approval. Horatio seemed to be happy that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were being sent to die. He might also be proud that it was Hamlet who lead them to their graves. After all, they were to lead Hamlet to his death in England. They may have been friends but because of the promise of money, they are now sponges. Also, Horatio probably thought very little about R and G due to the fact that they were barely around anyways. It was not like they made a difference. They were there because they were needed. That was all.