Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Reality vs. Hyperreailty

Hyperreality has conclusively distorted the true meaning of love, no matter if the viewer be male or female. For example, in the recent film titled "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry," they attempt to show that we should not discriminate against the homosexual lifestyle. For example, as Captain Tucker of the Fire Department stands in front of the court, he states "And most importantly, they showed us that no matter whom we choose to love, be they heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, [or] bisexual... it has absolutely nothing to do with who we are as people." If I just heard this correctly, the movie that we as Christians should watch with caution should embrace homosexuality into the community no matter what. Yet, the reality is that we need to be rid of the homosexuality that plagues the world that we live in today. Another example of the warped hyperreality is that young women will get the perfect man and live happily ever after. To prove this point, the famous lyrics of the well known song "Someday My Prince Will Come" come to my mind: "Some day my prince will come / Some day we'll meet again / And away to his castle we'll go / To be happy forever I know." This well known tune has touched the heart of many little girls - including myself - hoping that they well become as lucky as Snow White was. Nevertheless, the truth of reality massacred that dream of finding that perfect someone, making me realize that no one is truly perfect unless they were make believe. In the end, love is only between an imperfect male and imperfect female, and that happily ever afters don't really exist.



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